A downloadable game

Vent Channeled is a first person arena shooter that aims to fulfill the fantasy of being an all-powerful wizard by giving players access to a huge arsenal of spells to fight with. No weapon limits, no preset loadouts, no scavenging. Every spell is available through your spellbook. Simply hit enter to type into the book and hit enter again to convert your words into spells. Then fire away!

Supports up to 8 players!

For some extra flair install Windows Text-to-Speech voices to shout your spells at your opponent!

This game utilises UPNP for multiplayer. You must have UPNP enabled in your router to host games. UPNP may introduce network vulnerability so disable it after playing if that's a concern.

Vent Channeled is a work in progress. This is my first real game, my first multiplayer game, and my first Godot game all in one, so bugs and crashes are to be expected. Please send any issues you encounter to myself either here on Itch.io or on Twitter @Swishless


Movement - WASD

Using The Spellbook - Enter

Casting Spells - Mouse Buttons

Open Scoreboard - Tab

Options Menu - Escape

Rebindable controls coming soon.


Vent Channeled

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